Monday, 30 December 2013

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Using on-line dictionaries for translation of the texts of special purpose.

    Today,  December 26, an integrated lesson ( English - IT (Information Technology) have passed in the 10 "A" grade. The theme was " Using computer dictionaries in the on-line system translation of the texts of special purpose" ( when studying the theme "World Religion" ).
    At the lesson pupils worked in a team, carrying out tasks of different levels, skills of literary translation of the texts with special terminology using on-line computer dictionaries. The students took an active part in the work of this kind, because the theme was very interesting for them.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Excursion to the Chukovsky House Museum in Peredelkino

       Schoolchildren of our school took an exciting stroll, arranged by teachers Severina O.V. and Samsonova N.I., along the historical site of Peredelkino. They walked by the Church of Transfiguration, literary cemetery, where famous Russian writers are buried, the settlement of writers.

      The heart of their trip was the Chukovsky House Museum, where they listened to a very interesting excursion introducing Korney Chukovsky as an outstanding literary translator  from English, who discovered names of Mark Twen, Conan Doyle and other English and American writers to Russian readers.

     Their guide Pavel Kruchkov, a  literary critic, told the children that their neighborhood is rich in translating traditions. There lived such famous translators as Boris Pasternak, Arseny Tarkovsky and others.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Wallpapers in foreign languages

Before  Olympic Games - 2014 the theme of  sport became the main ones of competition of Wall Newspapers in foreign languages. The idea to develop their creative talants has insired students to  create bright and colorful newspapers.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

English Fairy-tale Festival in primary school

During English Week-2013 three-year-pupils presented their mini-performances in English to their parents and classmates. All the dramas impressed the audience very much besides they gave to the young actors unforgettable experience of speaking English.