Thursday, 31 October 2013

Literary Saloon

The Week of Foreign languages is always interesting at school. The pupils take part in many events organized for them by the teachers of our school.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

“Greeting Card in foreign languages” devoted to the Teacher’s Day and the Day of Foreign Languages

A suprising greeting card with her congradulations on the Teacher’s Day was drawn by Agronova Dasha (6-B, group of O.V. Severina) for the All-Rusia Art Contest “Greeting Card in foreign languages”. Over 6000 pupils sent their works to the virtual exhibition which may be seen here >>> 

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Open Lesson devoted to the 400th anniversary of Romanov House is held by O.V.Severina

Lesson “Royal Russia” prepared by O.V.Severina for the students of form 6-B aimed to remind children about the 400th anniversary of Romanov House celebrated in Russia this year.